The current evolving COVID-19 is a challenging time for us all. Here at Logical we have put in place our contingency plan which focuses primarily on the health and safety of all our staff, clients and their families. We are continuing to work remotely however certain activities have obviously been curtailed.
We really value you, our Clients and all our connections during this unprecedented time. We’ve put further thought into how we can continue to add value to you and your Clients during the weeks and months ahead.
There are five areas key areas where we believe we can continue to offer a full service which we wanted to share with you today and we hope that this will assist you, in turn, to continue to work and keep your own office/staff busy and at work for as long as possible.
Vacant Possession. Where properties are VP, it is business as usual and we continue to offer all consulting services. We include industrial or logistic within VP and indeed many offices currently have very low occupancy.
- Technical Due Diligence (Purchaser/Vendor)
- Measured Surveys
- Safety & Health Audits for vacant sites / Risk Assessments and General Site Security
- Desktop Building Investment Funds (BIF or Sinking Fund Reports) and Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM) Report
- Construction cost assessment exercises
- Statutory applications, planning etc.
- Desktop Assessment of Potential Dilapidations – (should you or your client (tenant) be weighing up their options to surrender / activate the release clause of their commercial lease agreement or client considering selling their building (Landlord) and require an assessment of potential dilapidations for valuation purposes, Logical REC can provide budget estimates to assist with the overall evaluation. All we require is a set of floor plans, a copy of the lease agreement and a copy of the Schedule of Condition Report)
- Desktop Reinstatement Cost Assessment – (now is a good time to review Reinstatement Valuations for your assets or client’s assets. Logical REC can provide Desktop Valuations. All we require is a set of floor plans or schedule of GIAs)
- Fire Strategy and Fire Safety Certificate and Disabled Access Certificate applications.
- Desktop Evacuation Plans & Company Fire Safety Statements to comply with the SHWWA 2005
- Normal construction works
- Emergency works – Hoardings, M&E, Security works etc.
- Fire safety works
Sincere best wishes to all Clients and families at this time.
Barry and all at the Logical Team